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Last update: March 5, 2024

7 minutes read

What’s the average amount of funding you can win from a scholarship?

Learn all about scholarship amounts, boost your chances of winning, and make paying for your college education easy.

By Brian Flaherty, B.A. Economics

Edited by Rachel Lauren, B.A. in Business and Political Economy

Curious about the average amount of scholarships students can win? It's a bit tricky because scholarships come in all shapes and sizes.

In this guide, we'll break down scholarships, explore the different types of scholarships, and explain how to apply for them. Let's dive in!

Key takeaways

  • Scholarship amounts can vary, with first-time undergraduates who receive grants and scholarships getting an average of $14,890 annually
  • 25% of college students receive a scholarship or grant
  • The Pell Grant, offered by the federal government for low-income students, provides a maximum award of $7,395

    What’s the average amount of scholarships students win?

    The key factor in how much scholarship money a student can receive is how actively they apply. On average, students who get a scholarship or grant can secure about $14,890 annually, as per the Education Data Initiative.

    Where does scholarship funding originate from?

    The sources for scholarships are diverse and include:

    • State governments
    • Federal governments
    • Private corporations
    • Nonprofits
    • Colleges and universities
    • Individual donors

    Each of these providers has its own priorities and funds, influencing whether they release many small scholarships or a few full-ride scholarships.

    Technically, a grant usually refers to academic funds awarded based on financial need, while a scholarship refers to funds awarded based on merit. But in practice, since both grants and scholarships are forms of education funding that don’t need to be paid back, the two terms are often used interchangeably.

    What’s the deal with Pell Grant awards?

    One key scholarship to keep in mind is the Pell Grant program. Tailored for low-income students, it's awarded by the federal government. Undergraduates are automatically considered for it when they submit their FAFSA.

    The maximum amount awarded in the 2023-2024 school year is a whopping $7,395. The average award for undergraduates, meanwhile, is $4,568. That makes it a good reason not to miss your FAFSA submission date and to double-check your details.

    Are small scholarships worth the effort?

    Absolutely! Small scholarships, usually ranging from about $100 to $2,000, are more than just pocket money. Every dollar counts when funding your college education. The benefits of these scholarships include:

    • Simpler application process
    • Shorter application time
    • Many different opportunities

    Once you get familiar with the process, you'll find it easy to apply to many of them in a short span of time. When I was applying to college, I initially overlooked the importance of small scholarships.

    But my guidance counselor encouraged me to apply for a lot of them, and it ended up saving me a ton of money in the long run. Remember, every dollar you get in scholarship is a dollar plus interest you don’t need to pay back!

    What are regional scholarships?

    Many regional organizations, like community foundations, offer smaller scholarships that you shouldn't overlook. While these grants may not have huge amounts of money, their applicant pools are usually small, increasing your chances of winning. Take the initiative to connect with local organizations to kickstart your scholarship search.

    What about niche scholarships?

    Niche scholarships are pretty interesting! Despite their detailed applications, they might be a perfect fit if you have the time and specific talents or interests. The complicated applications can discourage many people, increasing your chances of standing out and securing the scholarship.

    Are larger scholarships easy to land?

    Medium and large scholarship awards ranging from about $2,000 to $20,000 usually involve in-depth application processes. But the time and effort could be worth it, given their big contribution to your education fund.

    Are full-ride scholarships an undeniable win?

    Full ride scholarship offers sound like a dream come true, with the entire cost of your education covered. However, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons before diving in:


    • Full tuition coverage
    • Single application process
    • Additional perks (like access to special workshops)


    • Highly competitive
    • Lengthy, intensive application process
    • Can come with academic requirements, like pursuing a specific major or keeping your GPA above a certain level

    Securing full ride scholarships can be challenging. Before diving into the complex application process, make sure you fit the qualifications. Merit-based full ride scholarships are often offered by institutions where you automatically qualify when applying to the school.

    Do’s and don’ts of applying for scholarships

    As you gear up to apply for scholarships, it's essential to grasp some key do’s and don'ts. These tips can boost your chances of securing the scholarships you're aiming for.


    • Do apply to a variety of scholarships, big and small

    • Always submit your application before the deadline

    • Customize your application to suit each scholarship

    • Take the time to proofread your application


    • Don't limit yourself to only big scholarships

    • Never submit an application after the deadline

    • Avoid submitting a generic "one-size-fits-all" application

    • Never submit your application without properly proofreading

    Advantages and disadvantages of applying for scholarships

    Let's look at the positives and negatives of applying for scholarships, acknowledging both the benefits and challenges they present.

    Advantages of applying for scholarships

    • Ease your financial burden: scholarships can lessen your loan dependency and the accompanying debt load.
    • Encourage you to persevere: winning a scholarship can be a great confidence booster and motivate you to excel academically.
    • Opens up opportunities: some scholarships offer more than just financial aid, like networking events and leadership training, which can benefit you in the long run.

    Disadvantages of applying for scholarships

    • Threshold of eligibility: fulfilling the eligibility criteria for scholarships can sometimes be hard.
    • Time-consuming process: the application process can be lengthy and time-consuming, with multiple essays to write and deadlines to meet.
    • High competition: many scholarships, particularly full-ride ones, are heavily competitive, making the chances of winning relatively low.

    How TuitionHero can help you

    At TuitionHero, our goal is to simplify college finances for students and parents. We provide a range of services, including Private Student Loans, Student Loan Refinancing, FAFSA help, and Credit Card Offers. More importantly, we help you find and apply for scholarships.

    Whether you're looking for a small niche scholarship or a full-ride award, we’re with you every step of the way. Our database of scholarships and personalized recommendations boosts your chances of success significantly.

    We believe that every student deserves a shot at an affordable education, and we're here to make sure that your search for scholarships isn't a solo effort. So why not get started with us at TuitionHero today?

    Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

    Expanding your scholarship search and applying to many scholarships, big and small, improves your chances. Regularly check out our scholarship search tool for regular updates and personalized recommendations.

    Understanding the qualification criteria, personalizing your application, and avoiding procrastination are all effective strategies. If you're applying for a writing or art-based scholarship, make sure your entries stand out from the competition and are unique to your personality and experience.

    Absolutely! Every contribution to your college fund counts, whether it’s big or small. Smaller scholarships have less competition, and the application process is generally simpler, so don't overlook them. In fact, they can add up and contribute a lot to your financial needs.

    Full-ride scholarships typically cover all major educational expenses, including tuition, room, and board. However, the coverage may vary from one scholarship to another, so it's crucial to read the terms and conditions thoroughly. You can find more information about different types of scholarships on our TuitionHero scholarship page.

    Final thoughts

    When you're working toward a complete college education, scholarships are key to easing the financial load. By applying carefully to a variety of scholarships and making smart choices, you can significantly reduce your college expenses.

    Keep in mind that every dollar matters, and with the support from TuitionHero, you're not alone in this process. Now get ready to take on the challenge of applying for scholarships and reach your educational goals!



    Brian Flaherty avatar

    Brian is a graduate of the University of Virginia where he earned a B.A. in Economics. After graduation, Brian spent four years working working at a wealth management firm advising high-net-worth investors and institutions. During his time there, he passed the rigorous Series 65 exam and rose to a high-level strategy position.


    Rachel Lauren avatar

    Rachel Lauren is the co-founder and COO of Debbie, a tech startup that offers an app to help people pay off their credit card debt for good through rewards and behavioral psychology. She was previously a venture capital investor at BDMI, as well as an equity research analyst at Credit Suisse.

    At TuitionHero, we're not just passionate about our work - we take immense pride in it. Our dedicated team of writers diligently follows strict editorial standards, ensuring that every piece of content we publish is accurate, current, and highly valuable. We don't just strive for quality; we aim for excellence.

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